University of Colorado at Boulder
April 20 and 21, 2012
Keynote 1: Jerry Fodor
Rutgers University
“From the Darwin Wars”
Friday, April 20, at 6:15 PM
Benson Earth Sciences Room 180
Abstract: This talk will argue that, despite what his followers have often claimed, Darwin’s Theory of Natural Selection does not (in fact, couldn’t) provide a viable account of the mechanism of the evolution of species-phenotypes. The argument is logical/philosophical; it requires empirical premises, but none of them are in dispute. No religious or theological theses will be presented or presupposed.
Keynote 2: Russ Shafer-Landau
University of Wisconsin, Madison
“The Darwinian Argument”
Saturday, April 21, at 11:15 AM
Humanities Room 150
Abstract: I reconstruct a master argument that tries to reveal the essential commitments of those who would argue that moral knowledge is impossible, once we become aware of the evolutionary origins of our moral beliefs. At the heart of the debunking strategies is a common claim: given the influence of selective pressures on our moral faculties, it would be a massive coincidence were they reliable. I explore a variety of ways in which this sort of coincidence can be understood, and argue that none of these ways supports moral skepticism.
Keynote 3: Kit Fine
New York University
“Truthmaker Semantics”
Saturday, April 21, at 4:45 PM
Humanities Room 150
Abstract: This talk will outline an alternative to possible worlds semantics.
Friday, 20 April
Keynote 1: Jerry Fodor
6:15 PM - 7:45 PM — Benson Room 180
Saturday, 21 April
Session A: 9:00 AM - 9:50 AM
A1. Matthew Leonard, Univ. California, Davis
“Mirror Realism”
Commenter: Ben Rohrs
Humanities Room 135
A2. Alexander Stathopoulos, U. of St. Andrews
“A Deflationary View of Peer Disagreement”
Commenter: Dan Lowe
Humanities Room 150
Session B: 10:00 AM - 10:50 AM
B1. Avery Archer, Columbia University
“Competing Aims: Vellman vs. The Guise of the Good”
Commenter: Benjamin Kultgen,
Humanities Room 135
B2. Julia Neufeld, Northern Illinois University
“Conditionals of Freedom, Truth and Grounding, Necessity”
Commenter: Jason Hanschmann,
Humanities Room, 150
Keynote 2: Russ Shafer-Landau
11:15 AM - 12:45 AM — Humanities Room 150
Lunch: 12:45 PM - 2:30 PM
Session C 2:30 PM - 3:20 PM
C1. Matthew Lee, University of Notre Dame
“Are Credences Reducible to Probabilistic Beliefs?”
Commenter: Rebecca Chan
Humanities Room 135
C2. Tyler Paytas, Washington Univ. St. Louis
“You Really Ought to Use a Cleaver to Kill Jones: The Under-Specification of Practical Oughts”
Commenter: Spencer Case
Humanities Room 150
Session D 3:30 PM - 4:20 PM
D1. Andy Yu, University of Oxford
“The Truth about the Necessity and existence of Williamson’s Necessary Existents”
Commenter: Noel Saenz
Humanities Room 135
D2. Samuel Taylor, University of Iowa
“What Seemings Seem to Be”
Commenter: Jon Spelman
Humanities Room 150
Keynote 3: Kit Fine
4:45 PM - 6:15 PM — Humanities Room 150
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