Sunday 22 January 2012

CFP: Indiana Philosophical Association Spring 2012 Meeting

Call for Papers and Panels
Indiana Philosophical Association
Spring Meeting, 20-21 April 2012
DePauw University in Greencastle, Indiana

Keynote Speaker:
Margaret Urban Walker
Marquette University

Papers. Papers in any area of philosophy are welcome. Submitted papers should be limited to 14 double-spaced pages and prepared for blind review. They should also be accompanied by a separate page that includes a title, an abstract (limited to 150 words), and author information (name, affiliation, and contact information). Materials should be submitted as either RTF or PDF files to Jared Bates at Submission deadline is 29 February 2012.

Graduate Paper Prize. The IPA will present an award to the best paper submitted by a graduate student. The award will be accompanied by a cash prize of $100. Graduate student papers submitted for the competition should be identified as such on the title sheet.

Panels. We also invite submissions of panel discussions in any area of philosophy. Panels should be limited to three speakers. Submitted panels should comprise abstracts of all authors’ papers, each limited to 500 words and prepared for blind review. They should also be accompanied by a separate page that includes a panel title, a brief general abstract (limited to 150 words) and author information (names, affiliations, and contact information). Materials should be submitted as indicated for papers above. Authors may submit both a paper and a panel, though at most one of these may be placed on the program.

Suggestions for commentators and sessions chairs (including self-nominations) are welcome. Information about local arrangements will be announced closer to the meeting. See the IPA homepage for information on the undergraduate paper prize.

Deadline for Submissions: 29 February 2012
Deadline for Notifications: 15 March 2012