Friday, 8 April 2011

11th Annual NYU-Columbia Graduate Student Philosophy Conference


9:30 AM Breakfast and Coffee

10:15 AM Shifts of Attention and the Content of Perception
Adrienne Prettyman (University of Toronto)

11:30 AM Against Epistemic Akrasia
Sophie Horowitz (MIT)

12:45 PM Lunch

2:00 PM A Two-Pronged Strategy for Solving the Platonistʼs Access Problem
Sharon Elizabeth Berry (Harvard)

3:15 PM Itʼs All too Hard! (The Demandingness of Rationality & Morality)
Aness Webster (University of Southern

4:30 PM Coffee Break

5:00 PM Knowing about Things
Stephen Yablo (MIT)

9:30 PM Party (at 510 E 20th St, Apt 1H)
Saturday, April 9th 2011

5 Washington Place, New York
Important: to access the building, non-NYU students should register ahead of time by sending an email to

For further information, visit our website at or email us at

1 comment:

Usha said...

arent you nice!? thanks for the publicity :)