Philosophical Reflections on Reasons for Belief, Intention and Action
“Knowing that p is more valuable than truly believing that p. What is this extra valuable property that distinguishes knowledge from true belief? It is the property of making it likely that one’s future beliefs of a similar kind will also be true. More precisely, under reliabilism, the probability of having more true belief (of a similar kind) in the future is greater conditional on S’s knowing that p than conditional on S’s merely truly believing that p. (p. 16)This claim, if correct, would amount to a counterexample to the swamping premise, which recall, says:
If a good cup of espresso is produced by a reliable espresso machine, and this machine remains at one’s disposal, then the probability that one’s next cup of espresso will be good is greater than the probability that the next cup of espresso will be good given that the first good cup was just luckily produced by an unrealiable machine. If a reliable coffee machine produces good espresso for you today, and it remains at your disposal, it can normally produce a good espresso for you tomorrow. The reliable production of one good cup of espresso may or may not stand in the singular-causation relation to any subsequent good cup of espresso. But the reliable production of a good cup of espresso does raise or enhance the probability of a subsequent good cup of espresso. This probability enhancement is a valuable property to have (p. 16)This attempted assault on the espresso analogy scores a victory at the expense of betraying a deeper, and perhaps untractable, defect in the ‘conditional probability’ response. The victory, in short, is that it gives an explanation for why two equally good cups of espresso might be such that one is more valuable than the other; this explanation rejects an assumption that Zagzebski seemed to make in the analogy, which is that ‘taste is all that matters’ for espresso (as she thought, ‘being true’ is what matters for a belief).
(i) That she is playing a lottery,Given that the subject is aware of (i)-(v), it would be odd for her not to realise that what she may justifiably believe about the lottery, given (A1), takes the form of (a*). More importantly, such an individual would most certainly be guilty of gross introspective and rational failure and may, eo ipso, count as doxastically irresponsible. Thus, we seem to have independent grounds for holding that such an individual is not justified.
(ii) That the lottery is composed of a million tickets,
(iii) That one ticket must win and only one ticket can win,
(iv) That the odds of her ticket losing are the same as that of any other ticket losing
(v) That she is no more justified in believing that her ticket will lose than any other
(JCP) If S may justifiably believe p and p entails q, and S competently deduces q from p and accepts q as a result of this deduction, then S may justifiably believe q.According to Aidan, the inference from (A3) and (A4) to the claim that what S may justifiably believe about this lottery has the form (a*) seems to rely on some such closure principle. However, Aidan asks, ‘what mandates that [my] opponent accept such a closure principle? If anything, it looks somewhat suspect once one allows that justification does not require probability 1.’
(CR) If S may justifiably believe p at time t and justifiably believe q at t, then S may justifiably believe p and q at t.However, a closure principle does seem to make an appearance elsewhere in the proof. According to the set-up of the argument, S is aware that one ticket must win and only one ticket can win. Given (JCP), it follows that S may justifiably believe that it is not the case that t1 will lose, and t2 will lose, and so on, to the millionth ticket. Given this fact, a few brief words in defence of my argument's reliance on (JCP) may still be in order.
Imagine that a person S is justified in beliving that following list of individual claims: I am in an airport, I see a plane taking off from the runaway, I hear a loud noise, The noise I hear is probably a plane, The noise I hear is probably not a giant snoring. Imagine S forms a conjunction of all of the individual claims listed above. It seems reasonable to think that the justification for the conjoined beliefs is no weaker than is the justification for all the individual conjuncts. If anything, justification is strengthened by conjoining this set of individual beliefs. It is not true that the more conjuncts you add, the less justified the set becomes. (Ryan, 'Epistemic Virtues of Consistency', p. 124)If Ryan is right, and I think she is, then although a conjunction rule regarding probability may be false, the conjunction rule regarding epistemic justification is true. Moreover, it is the latter, rather than former, that is implicated in the inference from (A3) and (A4) to the claim that what S may justifiably believe about the lottery takes the form of (a*).
Richard Rorty, the leading American philosopher and heir to the pragmatist tradition, passed away on Friday, June 8.
He was Professor of Comparative Literature emeritus at Stanford University. In April the American Philosophical Society awarded him the Thomas Jefferson Medal. The prize citation reads: "In recognition of his influential and distinctively American contribution to philosophy and, more widely, to humanistic studies. His work redefined knowledge 'as a matter of conversation and of social practice, rather than as an attempt to mirror nature' and thus redefined philosophy itself as an unending, democratically disciplined, social and cultural activity of inquiry, reflection, and exchange, rather than an activity governed and validated by the concept of objective, extramental truth."
At the awards ceremony, presenter Lionel Gossman celebrated Dr. Rorty as an advocate of "a deeply liberal, democratic, and truly American way of thinking about knowledge." Dr. Rorty's published works include Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature (1979), Consequences of Pragmatism (1982), Contingency, Irony, and Solidarity (1988), Objectivity, Relativism and Truth: Philosophical Papers I (1991), Essays on Heidegger and Others: Philosophical Papers II (1991), Achieving Our Country: Leftist Thought in Twentieth Century America (1998), Truth and Progress: Philosophical Papers III (1998), and Philosophy and Social Hope (2000).
(A1) S may justifiably believe that her ticket, t1, will lose.Expressed in probabilistic terms, I take the lottery argument to show that a subject is not justified in believing that p based on evidence that makes p probable with a probability less than one. In my next post, I will respond to the objection that my lottery argument does not generalise across all cases of beliefs implicating defeasible evidence.
(A2) If S may justifiably believe that t1 will lose, then she may also justifiably believe that t2 will lose, she may justifiably believe that t3 will lose ... she may justifiably believe that ticket tn will lose.
(A3) S may justifiably believe that tickets t1, t2 ... tn will lose. [from (1) and (2)].
(A4) S may justifiably believe that either t1 will not lose or t2 will not lose ... or tn will not lose.
(A5) Propositions of the following form comprise an inconsistent set: (a) p1, p2 ... pn, either not-p1 or not-p2 ... or not-pn.
(A6) S recognises that propositions of the following form comprise an inconsistent set: (a*) t1 will lose ... tn will lose, either t1 will not lose ... or tn will not lose.
(A7) S may justifiably believe a set of inconsistent propositions that she recognises to be inconsistent. [from (3), (4), (5), and (6)].